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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.
Image by Pedro Lastra

Dealing with Difficult People

Image by Christina @

Dealing with difficult people is a common problem and our advice is constantly sought. With a brief description, background or email of the person, we can provide a client with the right approach and wording to ensure success of meetings and conversations-formal or informal.


Our understanding of people in diverse settings and conditions is highly valued in today’s rapidly changing, competitive world. We often hear “your accessibility is true asset for a global firm.” Whether a client is in another country, traveling or just time pressured, our help is a phone call away.

Tips for Dealing with Difficult People: 


  • Don’t try to change them or be their friend.


  • People don’t always say what they mean or mean what they say. 



  • Learn stress basics—business/weather turbulence, 9/11 and more have taught us the need to be prepared. 


  • Under stress, a person’s dominant traits become more pronounced.


  • Remember if you think someone is difficult, he/she probably thinks the same of you. There’s always someone with whom they get along-watch for cues.

Image by Alesia Kazantceva
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