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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.
Image by Mike Kononov

Advice & Council: A Step Beyond

Business is complex, rapidly changing, and fascinating! Our clients thrive on challenges. Whether a natural winner or educated, experienced leader, at times everyone needs advice or wants confirmation of a strategy. 

Friends, colleagues and investors care, but they can’t be truly objective. CEO Perspective Group partners understand the multi-faceted issues. Over the years, we have advised over two thousand CEOs and other leaders—working with them closely on major and minor matters across diverse industries, functions and ages. Our advice has helped clients achieve the utmost and survive the worst. Prominent lawyers, CEOs, directors, investors and entrepreneurs expect and get results-why they remain fans for years. Even referring sons/daughters to ensure success. Now over 25% of clients are under 40. We’ve lost colleagues but able to continue sharing their wisdom.


Extensive business expertise, psychological acumen and vast experience enable us to deliver fast, objective and nonjudgmental advice that achieve long-lasting solutions. Advice is practical, highly confidential and works—if we can’t help, we will help identify someone who can. Clients work globally, at all hours, and so do we. We’re often able to solve problems for clients in a brief phone conversation.

Image by Nirmal Rajendharkumar

Virginia Gambale, Board Director, Technology Advisor/Investor

Years prior to fame as a “pioneer of executive coaching,” Dr. Soder was advising top executives on critical matters, including interaction with boards, strategy, leadership presence, management and personal issues. Then and now she conducts highly sensitive, confidential CEO assessments and advises boards and private equity firms on necessary steps. Her research and counsel on preventing CEO failure is praised by leading media, governance groups, and clients. 


Our elite group of clients often helps each other on issues. Clients, colleagues, professional and academic affiliations amplify the Group's Golden Rolodex to enable achievement of corporate, individual and philanthropic goals. 


Numerous clients and colleagues, our "CEO Club", helped develop Fast Forward University™, a unique accelerated training program. Insights from corporate and political stars amplified our advice. Dr. Regina Benjamin, Peter D. Kiernan, Bruce Dahlgren, Darcy Bradbury, Virginia Gambale, Marie Chandoha, Alexandra Lebenthal, Mark Dowley, Robin Neustein, Sophia Yen, Leila Shakkour, Stephen Shepherd, Chris Weil, Cari Dominquez,Barbara Franklin, Cynthia Cohen,Jim Kristie, David Miller, Adam Schneider, Barbara Krumsiek, Walter Kiechel, Yue-Sai Kan and other leaders provided tips on how to ask for a raise, handle a blunder, manage difficult boss/politics and more.


Result? More responsibility, rapid promotions, thriving ventures and more success for clients. Fast Forward is currently available in segments with discounts for law firms,law enforcement, and non-profit firms.

Our Focus is Clients

The company and practices are designed for them.  Their concerns are ours—thus, we were at the forefront of diversity and Glass Ceiling, leadership succession, CEO evaluation, legal coaching, managing stress, financial turbulence, business disruption, young achievers and best governance practices. Our advice has helped thousands successfully develop, move up, transition and excel further. We constantly interact with the best and brightest—while working, continually learning.

Almost from the firm’s start CEO Perspective Group Partners were involved in governance, providing advice on numerous matters-from how to handle disruptive directors to board interview basics. We've helped over 50 clients achieve their first board, became a “Director To Watch”, or other honor. They and other clients continue to achieve more.

We’ve advised countless role models-helping them achieve their ambitions, scale the heights, and go a step beyond. Intensely loyal, we have surpassed the expectations of the most demanding executives for decades.  That’s why over 90% of our business is referral-based, praise and awards continue.

Image by Gautam Krishnan
Image by Ben Rosett

Tips & Trends

Over the years, clients have told us that some tips are invaluable.

Client favorites include:

  • Hope isn’t a strategy.

  • At a certain level everyone works hard, everyone’s smart—it’s things beyond competence that count.

  • Avoid meetings and important decisions on a Friday afternoon.

  • Skepticism is a virtue.

  • Just tell managers to do what they say they will do, when they say they will do it.

  • Have to listen for what’s not being said with conflict-avoiders.

  • Ignore the early warning signs at your peril.

  • Imitate the duck, calm on the outside, paddling like mad underneath.

  • You need to think and act globally. 


For more TIPS & TRENDS, visit INSIGHTS.

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