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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.
Image by Pedro Lastra

Mastering Time

Image by Andrik Langfield

Managing time was hard years ago and even more now. Our advice on time management, recovering from a blunder, and communicating difficult messages enables clients to focus on more significant matters and increase revenues. Advice is practical, direct and tailored to the individual.

Tips for Time Management: 


  • People are better at certain times of day than others, but most don’t realize what, when, and ways to master. 


  • If certain activities or people are draining, manage times and interaction so you are at your best.


  • Email over-load can be sharply reduced just by asking employees to indicate whether high or low priority, specifying the subject and describing the issue in the first paragraph.


  • Don’t bury the lead. Ask staff and friends to state purpose at start of email or conversation, and do the same yourself.


  • Know your time drains. If you don't know, get an assessment to see if you're better with time limits, your ability to multi-track, when you need time alone and more.

Image by Harman Sandhu
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