Total Time: 3 mins Ingredients:
Coffee: -Gus Dean Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate Vanilla Sweet Cream -3/4 Cup Half and Half -2 Tsp Vanilla Extract -3 Tbsp of Maple Syrup Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew -1 Cup Cold Brew Coffee -1/3 Cup Water -3 Tbsp Vanilla Sweet Cream - Ice Making the Sweet Cream 1. In a sealable container, mix together the half and half, vanilla extract and maple syrup. 2. Mix vigorously with a spoon, a or if you screw the lid tight, ngive it a good shake. Copycat Starbucks Vanilla Sweet Cream Coldbrew 1. In a glass start to pour the coldbrew coffee, water and cream. Mix together. If you like less creamy, start out with 2 tbsps of sweet cream to start and add more for taste. Top with ice. 2. Enjoy and share your coffee with @gusdeancoffee