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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

PET SAFETY MONTH: 30 tips in 30 days that can save your pet's life - Tip #13

Writer's picture: djcdesigneracctdjcdesigneracct

If you are like most of us, you store your cleaning materials under your sink.

And if your pup is like most pups, he is looking for things to amuse himself for the 8-10 hours a day that you are gone from his life.

Like the great explorers of history, pup wants to go places he's never gone before. But unlike the great explorers of history, he also wants to eat what he's never eaten before.

And often, in the thrill of the adventure he doesn't even realize that it tastes like soap. It tastes like soap because, well, it is soap. Plus other chemicals. And, guess what, it's toxic.

An ounce of prevention is worth that proverbial pound of cure so let's avoid this adventure. And that's something quite easy to do. A childproof lock on your cleaning cabinet is well worth the investment. You may not think that Johnson's Wax with a chaser of Murphy's Oil is a meal to die for but, unfortunately, it could be.

So while you are thinking of it. Put a childproof lock on your cleaning materials, kitchen and bathroom and anywhere pup can reach. They are toxic and pups are curious.

If pup outwits you or if you leave the door unlatched, fortunately, you have the number for ASPCA's Poison Control Center in your smartphone and on the Brooklyn Bark magnet you have on your refrigerator. So if pup is the great explorer/gourmet

Poison Contol (888) 426-4435

They will know if, indeed, pup just had a meal to die for and, if so, they will guide you on what to do.



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