Her name is Mia.
She is 5 years old and all of 4lbs.
She is a spayed, female Yorkie, and was lost yesterday, Friday the 23rd, on
23rd Street and 6th Avenue here in Brooklyn.
She's very scrawny and doesn't have a lot of fur so we are very worried about her out in the cold!
She is friendly but skittish so she may run from anyone who tries to help her. She was wearing a red harness when she ran off, so probably still has that on.
Any information on her - even a brief sighting - would be encouraging and helpful!
Thank you so much for your help!
Please either contact BarkMaster@BklynBark.com or Mia's owner, Camille at CamLorraine@Gmail.com. Camille's cell is 718-213-9939.
Thank you for keeping an eye out for this little girl and helping her get back home.
We found her this morning!! She traveled over 40 blocks down to Boro Park and was picked up by the cops after a fellow dog owner walking his own dog called it in, who then called us to tell us he thought he found her. We didn't get a chance to ask how he found our number, but we are grateful that he did!
We are so relieved and happy and grateful for helpful dog owners!
Thanks so much for your help with this.