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Rotary Club Update - July 1st 2019


Guest Speakers

Today we welcomed our RYLA students: Kevin Mantell and Steven Fitzgerald. They told us about their recent invigorating learning experience at the RYLA seminar. They said it was a weekend they will never forget and gave them much to think about. It is the goal of RYLA, during this seminar to give young people (10th graders) communication and problem solving skills; unlock potential; to turn motivation into action; discover strategies for becoming leaders and to have fun and form lasting friendships. Both young men seem to have taken a great deal from this

seminar. Best wishes, Kevin and Steven and thank you for joining us today.

For more info on RYLA, go to and type RYLA in search.


Thank you, Diana for your service as president and best wishes to Isabel who will our president for 2019-20.

Treasurer, Rose handed around copies of her report as of June 21, 2019. The regular checking account shows a

balance as of June 26, 2019 of $5,174.25 and a Project account balance of $563.32.

At her Installation Dinner, 2019-20 District Governor, Bima Ahmed reminded us that Rotarians have an obligation to their communities, to connect with all people and support our foundation. Two good ways to do the latter, Paul Harris Fellows, is to become a member of the Paul Harris Society or join Rotary Direct (Rotary's recurring giving program at

Health of the Club

Helen fell down several steps in her house, on Sunday, June 30, and shattered her patella (kneecap). She is currently at Hudson Valley Hospital, room 4017. Helen, we are thinking of you and wish you a speedy recovery!

This and That

Our RYLA nominees were accompanied by their mothers Helene Mantell and Lisa Fitzgerald and we welcomed them as well as Ann's guest, Rachel. Please come again.

Ann won the 50-50 Lottery of $4. and the Jackpot stands at $45.


There will be no meeting on July 3. Our next meeting on July 10 will be the first meeting of the new Rotary year. Hope to see you all there!

The United States of America will be 243 years old on Thursday.


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