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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Leadership of all ages at Yorktown Rotary June 26, 2019


Twas IPP Diana’s last meeting as President and it's Hail to the Chief, Isabel, beginning with our next meeting on July 10, 2019 with Rick Melén, Halston Media columnist.

Our 2019 RYLA nominees, Kevin Mantell and Steven Fitzgerald, escorted by their respective moms, Helene and Lisa, regaled us with the highlights of their leadership weekend.

Represented our club at the District 7230 Installation of Governor Mahbub Ahmad.

Cheryl Milde, who’ll soon be a Yorktown Rotarian with Bima (Mrs Mahbub) Ahmad. Mahbub did also remind us of our obligations to our communities, connections to all peoples and to our Foundation. Would be great if a number of Paul Harris Fellows which I believe includes all of us in Yorktown Rotary would join me as a member of the Paul Harris Society. See PDG Helen!

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