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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Meeting Notes - January 9th 2019


Happy New Year!!


All Paul Harris Fellows are asked to attend next week’s (Jan. 16th) meeting to choose this year’s Fellows. Please think about who you would like to nominate.

Our Grant from the District! Thanks to Helen and Diana, our club received a District Grant to work with the Alliance for Safe Kids (ASK) on a mental health project. ASK will use the grant to rent the movie, No Letting Go, about a teenager suffering from mental illness, for unlimited showings for a year. The movie comes with educational literature to follow up with. The initial showing will be at the end of April at Yorktown Stage, and then it will be shown at the local schools, the Hart Library and other venues.

Our Next Fundraiser: We discussed various fundraising ideas and organizations we can help with the monies raised. It was decided that we will hold another golf outing, probably at Mohanic Golf Course again, but we need a COMMITTEE to get things going! Please let Diana know if you would like to be on that committee. Please also come to next week’s meeting with other ideas for fundraising.


District 7230 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) Update: The RYLA Program is holding a weekend leadership camp for 10th grade students to develop skills as leaders while having fun and making connections. Tony’s grandson attended it years ago and loved it. Our club would like to sponsor one or two students from the local high schools to attend this year (March 22nd to 24th). Steve met with the Yorktown and Lakeland High School Guidance Counselors to have their 10th grade students apply. The student applications are due to us by the end of January. Steve will follow up with the counselors next week.

Jonathan won $5 in today’s raffle, but not the jackpot.

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