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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Rotary Club of Yorktown UPDATE - 11.8.2018


Next week’s meeting (Nov. 14th at 12 noon) will be at the Yorktown Nutrition Center in the Al Capellini Community & Cultural Center, where we will enjoy a delicious meal with our local seniors. The cost is only about $2.50. Please RSVP YES or NO ASAP to Rosie at

Our holiday party is tentatively set for Friday, Dec. 14th, at Peter Pratt’s. More details to follow. Contact Patti if you have any questions.


Isabel reported that Geri has been sick. We hope you feel better real soon, Geri—we miss you!

We are giving thank you holiday cards again this year to United for the Troop’s Operations: Defend the Holidays. Please purchase (or make!) at least 10 holiday cards and fill them out from the Rotary Club of Yorktown. You can either bring the cards to next week’s meeting at the senior center or you can drop them off before Friday the 16th at the Yorktown Town Court at 2295 Crompond Road.

There are still 11 members who have not paid their July 2018-June 2019 dues ($225). Please send your payment to Rosie ASAP or contact her to work out a payment plan. An invoice is attached.

Participate in the club! Attendance has been very low lately. We understand that it is hard to make every meeting, but please try to attend a couple of meetings each month if possible. Steve has been bringing in excellent speakers and it is a shame that there are only a handf­­ul of Rotarians present to hear their presentations.


This week’s speaker was Tom Conklin, of Make-A-Wish of the Hudson Valley. What a wonderful organization! They have granted over 700 wishes to children in the Hudson Valley, and are currently working on 150 new wishes. Tom told us about a few of the wishes they were able to grant and the impact it has on the child and their family. They do not accept government funding or conduct telemarketing appeals. Funds are raised within the Hudson Valley and are used for children in the Hudson Valley. And 78% of total funds raised goes directly to granting wishes! Tom said we could help by not only by making donations, but to also spread the word to others about Make-A-Wishes’ work. Thank you, Tom, for visiting us.

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