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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Rotary E-Newsletter for May 30th


Our guest speaker this week was Melanie Richards, from Increase Your Visibility. We thank her for coming and inspiring us to get out of our comfort zone.

Steve Ucko takes over the role of scheduling speakers in July -- please contact him with any suggestions/requests you have for future speakers.

Please note there are NO MEETINGS June 13th (our Installation dinner is the 14th) and July 4th.


  • Please formally RSVP to me (if you haven't already) whether or not you are attending and if anyone else is coming with you. I am not assuming anyone is automatically coming. The invitation is attached.

  • It was decided at this week's meeting that the 2017-18 dues will cover $50 of the cost for the dinner for all members; meaning members only pay $25 to attend and all guests pay $75. This policy will be readdressed for the 2018-19 membership dues once we know what the District and International dues for the year are, which won't be until the end of July.

  • In addition to the $1,000 donation made in Paul Harris Fellow Mary De Silva's name to the Hudson Valley Cerebral Palsy Association, the Club will make four $500 donations to the following organizations at the dinner: Yorktown Teen Center (Alice contacting), Yorktown Community Help, Yorktown Nutrition Center (Diana Q contacting), and My Brother Vinny.

The GOLF OUTING, June 29th:

  • We need everyone to get sponsors and golfers (brochure attached).

  • Everyone is also expected to be able to help out the day of -- there is need beginning at 7:00 AM, going through to roughly 6:00 PM. A volunteer sheet will be available shortly.

  • Please contact Diana Q or Tom P if you have any questions.

The final decision for the RI's Plant a Tree for Every Member initiative is to donate $600 (roughly $30 per member) to Yorktown Arbor Group to plant 20+ trees in a nursery to grow until they can be planted around town. Rosie will send a check to Ann Kutter.

Next Wednesday's speaker will be Diane Russo, Chief Executive Officer of the CoveCare Center.

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