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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Meeting Minutes - April 11th, 2018


Guest Speaker

Speaker: Carla Gambescia spoke to us about her book, La Dolce Vita U: An Unconventional Guide to Italian Culture from A-Z. A resident of Chappaqua, she is the founder of Carla Gambescia Enterprises and opened a restaurant, Via Vantil, in Mt. Kisco in 2008. Her book has essays, A-Z, describing the wonders of Italian Art, architecture, food, history and so many other things of interest. This writer is looking forward to reading it. We played a game of Trivial pursuit Italian style and learned that Emperor Nero’s favorite dessert was snow with fruit sauce and that the Tree of Knowledge bearing the forbidden fruit, as depicted in the Sistine Chapel’s Garden of Eden Fresco, was a Fig Tree. Who knew?!

FYI: Carla’s book is available at Amazon and through the Library system.

Thank you Carla for your interesting and informative presentation and please come again.

Meeting Notes

The Club’s permanent meeting place is still TBD. April 18th’s meeting will be at Furci’s, and then we will decide.

The Bronx Club is celebrating their 100 years as a club on April 16 and several of our members will be attending.

Where will we hold the Installation Dinner? Previous plans did not come to fruition. A larger venue is needed and

Travelers Rest was suggested. Geri will investigate that possibility. Tom said we need more sponsors for the Golf Outing and asked members to seek sponsors. Each hole goes for $150 and several members said they will purchase same. Geri said hasn’t received any applications for the high school scholarships-- she will contact the Guidance Counselors.Patti announced that there would be a Board meeting after the non meeting concludes. (Attached are the minutes from the meeting)

Health of Club

We received sad news that Alice R’s brother passed away. We send our heartfelt condolences to her and her family.

As you know, Honorary member, Mike McCrystel recently passed away and our hearts go out to his family.

Tom is going in for gallbladder surgery -- good luck and speedy recovery,Tom!

This and That

Our guests were Rachel who came with Ann and Perry Matsa who was Helen L.’s guest. We also welcomed Sonia who accompanied Perry.

Happy Anniversary to Tony and Jennie who celebrated on April 4.

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