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Meeting Minutes - February 21st, 2018


Guest Speaker

Paula Miritello spoke about her organization, My Brother Vinny. She founded the organization in memory of her special needs brother, who passed away in 2000. Originally she began by simply helping anyone who needed her help. As the organization grew, they began to focus more and more on returning veterans. She found that Vets needed, in addition to housing, the furniture and other household items needed to make anyplace livable. At some point, Paula hooked up with a hotel renovation company and now has several storage units full of furniture from various hotel chains. The Rotarians listening to her speak were in awe of all that she does! And it is hard to believe that she accomplishes all that she does, plus holds down a full time job!! She told us about the My Brother Vinny walk in April and asked for anyone to volunteer to deliver furniture any Saturday. Rotarians are proud that a couple of years ago we did present Paula and her organization with the Paul Harris Award.


We will have a regular lunch meeting next week, February 28th.

The Save a Life event sponsored by ASK, will be March 18th at the Lakeland High School. They are looking for volunteers for the following timeslots. Please let Patti know asap if you can help out: 11-12 Noon: Help with Check In 12-1 PM: Late Check In or Workshop Set Up 1:15 - 2:15: Workshop 1: Distribute & collect response surveys 2:15 - 3:15: Workshop 2: Distribute & collect response surveys 3:15 - 4:00: Breakdown of Event

PETS (President Elect Training Seminar) is coming up and the club will pay for Diana, our President Elect to attend. She does need to register.

The Yorktown Chamber of Commerce is having a Spring Fest at the Fireman’s Field, Sat. March 24th.

April 16th is the Bronx Rotary Club’s 100th Anniversary celebration. April 27-28th is the District Conference with the Paul Harris Lunch held on that Friday, the 27th.

Tom is working with Diana on a Golf Outing fundraiser which will be held at the Putnam Golf Club on a Friday, Saturday, or Monday in June. Details to follow.

Janet DiBenedetto, DG, will be our speaker March 21st. We need to give her a written history of our Club. Geri has an old flier for our Club that will be updated to give to Janet. The flier will also be added to our website as well as printed out for events such as the Best & Wurst.

Helen B. gave a brief overview of Rotary India trip which she and David will be departing for the end of next week.

Kudos to those who organized last week’s Valentine’s Day Lunch at the Yorktown Nutrition Center. Everyone had a wonderful time.

This and That

Our guests today were Bob Giordano and Paula Miritello.

Happy Dollars: Many were in honor of Paula. The winner of today’s raffle of $9 was Peter. He did not win the jackpot, which now stands at $185.

Geri’s Joke

There was an elderly man visiting a doctor for a check-up. As he was leaving he asked the doctor if he could recommend a specialist for his wife. “What’s wrong with her?” asked the doctor. The old man explained that her hearing was getting so bad that it was almost embarrassing. The doctor said he knew of several specialists that could help but he wanted the old man to do a little test when he got home to help the doctor determine the severity of her hearing loss. The doctor said “When you get home, make sure your wife’s back is turned to you and ask her a question. If she doesn’t respond walk closer and ask her again. Keep doing this until she answers and let me know the results”.

That night when the old man opened the door of his home he could see his wife in the kitchen preparing dinner. She was at the counter with her back to the door. “What’s for dinner?” the old man asked. His wife did not respond so he walks to the doorway of the kitchen and asked the questions again. Still, he was greeted with silence. This time he walks up just behind her and asks once again “What’s for dinner?” His wife spins around a bit agitated and says “For the third time, Fried Chicken!!”

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