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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Meeting Minutes - January 31, 2018


Guest Speaker

Pat Hallinan, Director, John C. Hart Memorial Library Almost 217,000 people visited the library in 2017. Even though circulation declined about 3%, digital use increased significantly. This includes digital reference materials. The library is part of the Westchester Library System, is the 7th largest library in the County and the 3rd busiest in the County. The library is publicly funded by the Town of Yorktown and partially by the Town of Cortlandt as well as by fund raising done by the Friends of the Library which contributes approximately $20,000 per year. Most of the programming is paid for by the Friends’ fund raising. The Children’s Room was renovated and expanded 5 years ago. They are basically looking for advocates on the State level to help pay for renovations to their bathrooms. They are also looking for community partnerships.

Pat described many of the Library’s programs, one of which is Hart for the Homebound. They do accept donations of books the 1st seven days of each month.

Geri’s Joke of the Week

A football fan is a guy who’ll yell at the quarterback for not spotting an open receiver forty-five yards down the field… …And then head for the parking lot and not be able to find his own car!


Bob Giordano, of Yorktown Small Business Association, has been nominated to become a member of the Rotary Club of Yorktown. If anyone has concerns regarding his membership, please contact Geri asap.

The Blue Bookcase will be re-instituted at the Putnam Food Pantry. They need books in English and Spanish and for all ages (children and adults). Helen L. will collect books at our meetings and deliver them to the Pantry, which is open Saturdays from 8 to 11:30am. Please bring in any gently used (or new!) books you may have.

The Yorktown Small Business Association Meet and Greet is tonight, Jan. 31st. Geri and Patti will be there to speak. Our Feb. 14th meeting will be held at the Yorktown Nutrition Center, where the Club is sponsoring their Valentine’s Day lunch. Members will pay for their own lunch. Patti will find out how much that will be. Some members would like Pres. Elect added back to the Board. Steve Ucko was suggested. He will be contacted. Our District Conference is April 27-28th. The conference is free, but the Paul Harris luncheon and dinners are extra. The Paul Harris Luncheon will be held Friday, April 27th, from 11:45 to 2:00PM. Tickets are $45 each. Please let Rosie know if you plan on attending.

Happy Dollars

Today’s pot of $5 was won by David. Since he picked a 5 of diamonds, he did not win the jackpot of $176.

This and That

Last weekend Helen B. helped United for the Troops put together more than 200 packages to be mailed to Our Heroes for Valentine’s Day. Note the message Helen wrote on 300+ Marvel Superhero cards from Yorktown Rotary to be included in the packages! Way to go, Helen!

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