This Week’s Guests
Heidi Bornermann, Yorktown Grange, Guest Speaker, and Bob Giordano
Bob Giordano, yesterday
Joke of the Week
A little boy returned from the grocery store with his mom. While his mom put away the groceries, the little boy opened his box of animal crackers and spread them all over the kitchen table.
“What are you doing?” asked his mom.
“The box says you shouldn’t eat them if the seal is broken, “said the little boy. “I’m looking for the seal.”
Guest Speaker
Heidi Bornermann, our guest speaker, wanted to speak to the club to discuss the Grange Fair and the Best & Wurst being on the same weekend in Sept. Heidi said the Grange began back in 1867, with the first Fair being held in 1898. Mr. Tompkins rented the Grange Hall for $1.00 per meeting. Such notables as Hill, Lee, Strang, etc. were all members of the Grange. The National Grange has a private building on the National Mall in Washington, DC. Members start at age 14. They have fund raisers throughout the year to support the maintenance of the buildings and property. Heidi suggested the possibility of a tent for Rotary to have the B&W at the Fair. Rotarians voiced their support of the Grange Fair, suggesting that there might be some joint advertising, and/or a give-away, half-price ticket from B&W to the Grange Fair. After speaker left, it appeared to be a consensus that we should not give up the identity of the B&W but would somehow try to help the Grange with their Fair. The B&W Committee will discuss this further and report back to the Club.
Meeting Notes
Patti announced the B&W Committee:
Geri, Chairman
Rosie Helen and David Bowers
Jonathan Peter
Diana Patti
Isabel Steve M.
Nominating Committee, Helen B., Isabel and Geri presented slate of the Club’s Officers for 2018-2019:
President: Diana
Vice President: Isabel
Secty: David
Treasurer: Rosie
Sgt. at Arms: Helen L.
Past Pres.: Patti
The Club voted unanimously to approve slate.
Patti will reach out to the Putnam Valley Community Food Pantry to see about reigniting the literacy program the Club once had with them.
Happy Dollars raised $20.
Today’s Jackpot: $5. Won by Rosie.
Big Jackpot: $171. Still in play.