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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Meeting Minutes - January 3rd, 2018


Tony Grasso, Guest Speaker

Our own Tony Grasso was the guest speaker for today’s meeting. He told us about his experience this past fall as a participant of a Hudson Valley Honor Flight. HVHF is a non-profit created solely to honor America’s veterans for all their sacrifices. They transport veterans to Washington, D.C., to visit and reflect at their memorials at no cost to the veterans. Tony said the whole trip was amazing and so well organized and executed.

For more information on HVHF visit

Thank you for telling us about this wonderful program, Tony!

Meeting Notes

We need a volunteer to organize the night meetings, including finding a venue(s) and getting rsvps from everyone. Please let Patti know if you would like to take this on. The next night meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 25th.

United for the Troops is looking for donations and Valentine’s Day cards for Operation Valentine, which they will be putting together on Saturday, January 27th, in Carmel. Helen B. will bring Valentine cards to the next meeting for us to sign. If anyone would like to participate in the packaging on the 27th, please let Helen or Patti know. This may be our January Community Service.

Please let Patti know if you have any ideas for community service -- our motto is Service Above Self and we need to serve! Rosie is contacting Noreen at the Nutrition Center about our Valentine’s Day Lunch with the seniors on Wednesday, Feb. 14th. And our March service will be to assist ASK with their Save A Life event on Sunday, March 18th. Save those dates.

Geri brought up the idea of buying flameless candles to use at future 9/11 ceremonies. Rosie will look into the cost of 50-75 candles and their batteries.

Tommy told us that Doc James might like to work with us on a golf outing in May. This could be a good fundraiser for us. He will talk with them and get back to us on it.

Please remember to bring in used stamps for Mike M!

Health of the Club

It was great to see Gloria & Al at the meeting today. Our wishes go out to Helen L., Alice and Isabel to all feel better soon.

This and That

Tommy & Diana won the raffle, but the Jackpot still stands at $153.

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