Guest Speaker
John Landis, Yorktown’s Building Inspector, was our guest speaker, and his assistant, Diane, joined us as well. Unfortunately I had to leave the meeting early, so I did not get to hear what he had to say. Thank you, John and Diane for coming.
Meeting Notes
Mike M asked (via email) that we remember to collect used stamps during the holidays for him to give to the Katherine House Hospice in Brackley. There is a manila envelope in the Rotary box at Kirby’s for everyone to put their stamps. Mike will take them when he comes back to us in April or May. Mike, please remind us how they convert the stamps into money -- we may want to do that for fundraising ourselves!
As of now, our night meeting for Thursday, Dec. 28th, is not happening. If someone wants to organize the night meetings, including finding a venue(s) and getting rsvps from everyone, please let Patti know, otherwise we will just have lunch meetings.
Larry DeNoia, our Area Assistant Govenor, asked for a volunteer to participate in the candidate interviews for District Governor on January 13th. Geri volunteered.
Helen B told us about an opportunity for anyone in the club, and friends, to travel to India for two weeks to provide hands-on help in eradicating polio. Medford Sunrise Rotary Club, District 7500, NJ, is running the trip. It will take place in early March and cost only $1,600 (approx). The trip will include:
• Fully-escorted tours of some of India’s most enchanting cities, with admissions, first-class hotels, and local tour guides.
• Home stay with Rotarians during a 4-day National Immunization Day project, where you will be able to give life-saving polio vaccine to young children.
• All inter-city rail and air flights within India.
• Meetings with Rotarians in several cities, with the possibility of participating in their local service projects.
More information is attached. Please contact Helen B asap if you are interested or have any questions.
Our December Community Service Project was today, too. We helped give out food and toys at the Yorktown Community & Cultural Center to 60+ Yorktown families in need. David Humphrey, who runs the food pantry with other volunteers, explained that the pantry is only for Yorktown residents who have been referred to the pantry by someone (clergy, school guidance counselors, Town Hall, senior center, etc.) It was a very humbling experience to witness that many people from our own community being in such need. Thank you to Peter, Jonathan, Tommy, Diana, Geri and Patti for helping out! David Humphrey and the other volunteers really appreciated it--especially the three “big, strong men” (as many of the volunteers kept calling them, in the picture above) and Peter’s being fluent in Spanish, so he could translate for one of the families. They give out food every third Wednesday of the month, and give out extra bags of food for Thanksgiving, Christmas (along with toys), and Easter/Passover; perhaps we can help out again for Easter/Passover.
Steve M. and Isabel will organize January’s community service project.
The Board will meet right after our next meeting, Jan. 3rd, to discuss the 2018-19 Board. The names need to be sent to RI asap so they can prepare for PETS (in March or April).
Health of the Club
It was great to see Steve U back at the meeting today. Our wishes to get better soon go out to Helen L., Gloria & Al, and Isabel.
This and That
It was Tony’s birthday today. Happy Birthday Tony!
Have a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!

Rotary volunteers at Yorktown Community Help's Food Pantry. Not pictured, but also helping were Diana, Geri and Patti.