Our guest speaker could not join us today.
Meeting Notes
Welcome to our newest member, Peter Petrov, who was inducted today by President Patti and his sponsor, Geri.
Per Amir Asadi’s request last week, David will send him updates on all new members; Geri will send him our action plan for recruiting new members; and Al and Gloria will send him a 100- 150 word overview on the history of our Club.
David S., our Distric Governor-Designee, spoke to us about the history and importance of the Rotary Foundation and noted that it ranks #4 as the Best Charities Everyone Has Heard Of by Charity Navigator. David then presented a Major Donor crystal award and pin to Steve U. for his support of the Rotary Foundation. To become a Major Donor one needs to donate $10,000 or more to the Foundation. Congratulations, Steve, and thank you!
Last call for signed greeting cards for our servicemen and women is the November 15th meeting. Helen B. will deliver them to United for the Troops, so they can be included in the gift packages being sent overseas for the holidays.
FYI- Our night meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of the month (and there are no lunch meetings on those Wednesdays). The 4th Thursday this month is Thanksgiving Day, so there will not be a meeting that week.
Our annual Holiday Dinner is Friday, Dec. 8th, at Peter Pratt’s. Geri issending out a save-the-date notice and will give us details later. If you want to participate in the Holiday Gift Exchange please bring a wrapped gift to the dinner that is appropriate for both male and female and has an approximate value of $15.
Everyone is asked to bring a few lottery scratch-off tickets to the next meeting for our Holiday Dinner Raffle Tree.
Geri volunteered to be in charge of the Scholarship Committee for the 2017-18 year. Each year we give a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating senior from both Yorktown and Lakeland High Schools. Please contact Geri if you would like to help her pick this year’s recipients.
Health of Club
There are no reports of illness among the members.
This & That
David S., District Governor-Designee and from the White Plains Club, and Larry D., our District’s Assistant Governor and the Peekskill Club, were guests today, as well as Vidal, who came with Alice, and Bill, who was Geri’s guest. Good to see you all, please come again!
Alice won the 50-50 Raffle, receiving $10. The Jackpot stands at $121.