Guest Speaker
Lorraine Santoli, former publicity Director for the Disney Co., told us many stories of her years with Disney. She gave us a good overview of her years working for Disney including the Mickey Mouse Club. Many of these anecdotes are contained in her book, “The Official Mickey Mouse Club Book”(available at Amazon).
Lorraine also told us about the huge events surrounding the 60th birthday of Mickey Mouse and the 50th birthday of Donald Duck, her friendship with Annette Funicello, etc. Thank you Lorraine for your presentation and please come again.
Meeting Notes
A check has been mailed to the Rotary Club in Puerto Rico to help in their relief efforts from the hurricane.
The Holiday Party will be on Dec.8th, however the venue has not been decided; Traditions or Peter Pratt are being considered. Save the Date!
A sign up sheet was passed around for coverage of our table at the Town & Lions’ Club Halloween Carnival on Oct. 28th (rain date Oct. 29th). We do have coverage for Oct. 28th, but need volunteers for the 29th, just in case. Check Patti’s email for more info.
Our next meeting is an evening meeting, which will be on THURSDAY, Oct. 26th at Oscar’s from 5PM to 7PM.
Health of Club
No illnesses have been reported among the members.
Membership News
Peter Petrov has been proposed as a new member of the Rotary Club of Yorktown. Please contact Geri within seven days (by Oct. 31st) if you have any objections to his becoming a member.
This & That
We had 5 guests join us today: Rachel, Ann C., Carol, Melanie and Peter. Welcome to all of you and come again!
Be sure to follow The Rotary Club of Yorktown on Facebook.
The 50-50 Raffle, worth $11., was won by David and the Jackpot stands at $106.