Guest Speaker
We had no speaker today but guest, Lorraine, will be the speaker next week and she will tell us about many things Disney!
Meeting Notes
A banner was presented to Kirby’s for their outstanding help with the Best & the Wurst. Thanks everyone. We did very well; $12,786.
Members, Geri, Isabel, Helen L., David and Helen B. attended the Bronx Club’s Be Italian for a Night event on Tuesday evening where they had a very fine time.
Puerto Rico has answered our offer of assistance, stating that they would appreciate funds and after discussion, it was suggested that a $500 check be sent to the Rotary Club. This met with general approval.
Will our Holiday Party take place on Dec.1 or Dec. 8? Where? Traditions? Isabel and Rosie will organize the party and get back us with the details.
Al invited us to have a table at the Lions Club Halloween Parade/Festival on Oct.28 (rain date Oct. 29), 2PM to 4PM. We would have kids’ games, bubbles to give, etc. Rosie volunteered to be the coordinator. Please contact her if you can help out either of those days.
Also discussed was our community service projects; please look at Patti’s email outlining the upcoming plans (attached here also). Coordinators are needed for May and June.
Health of Club
So good to see Al and David with us again. There have been no illnesses reported.
This & That
We welcomed, Lorraine who was Steve M. guest, Rachel who came with Ann, and Al from the Lions Club of Yorktown joined us. Three birthdays were celebrated; Geri on Oct. 14, David on Oct. 12 and Patti on Oct. 17. Helen B. brought a lovely birthday cake to be enjoyed by all. Happy Birthday to All of You!
Patti won the 50-50 Raffle of $8. The Jackpot stands at $95.

Steve, Helen B. and David present Chris (center), owner of Kirby’s, with the Sponsor Banner from the 2017 Best & Wurst. The banner will be hung in Kirby’s until next year’s event!