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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Meeting Minutes October 4th, 2017


Guest Speaker

Our guest speaker was Lillian Chapman, of Chapman Insurance right here in Yorktown. Chapman Insurance has been in existence for a very long time (Lillian showed us some pictures of the buildings they were in over the years) but Lillian joined her husband and the company just a few years ago, after retiring from 25+ years in the corporate world. Lillian gave a helpful presentation on Time Management and how to get that mountain of “to-do’s” off of your back. She also recommended (as did Steve M) reading the book Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress free Productivity, by David Allen (And, hey, there’s an app for that!). Thank you, Lillian, for joining us today.

General Business

The Bronx’s club is holding their Be Italian for a Day dinner Tuesday, Oct. 10th. It is $45 per person. Please let Isabel know if you are going before Oct. 6th.

Isabel reported that she reached out to Puerto Rico, Houston and Florida clubs to see how we can help them, but she has only heard back from Puerto Rico. A decision on how to help them will be made at the Board meeting immediately following today’s meeting.

Best & Wurst: It is believed that all signage has been taken down (thank you Steve M!!); please let Patti know if you see any stragglers. Also, the thank you letters will be sent out this week.

The 2017-18 Membership Contact Sheet was passed around to be filled in by anyone who’s information wasn’t included. Patti will reach out to those who were not at the meeting.

Please email Steve M with any suggestions for speakers for meetings.

Health of Club

It was reported that both David and Al will be going home this week. Good luck to the both of you and we hope to see you at a meeting soon!

This & That

We celebrated Helen and Helen’s birthdays this week with a delicious cake made by Helen B.

Lillian was our only guest today.

Geri held the winning 50-50 Raffle ticket and received $5. The Jackpot stands at $87.

Board Meeting Notes

The following decisions were made at the Board meeting Oct. 4th:

Due to the lack of attendance, we will NOT have night meetings on the 4th week of every month. We will meet every Wednesday at 12:15 at Kirby’s.

The Best & Wurst financials were finalized (pending a couple of little transactions) and we have a profit of $11,207.00!!

We will give Puerto Rico $500 worth of $25 Walmart gift cards. We approved doing the same for Houston and Florida, pending their response to Isabel, and for Mexico, pending their response to Helen B. That will be a total of $2,000.00 in donations.

Patti will create a monthly community service calendar in the spirit of our motto, Service Above Self. This will also give the Club more of a presence in Yorktown; it will not be for fundraising. There will be one event designated each month that the Yorktown Rotary will officially help out at (similar to the 9/11 ceremony where we gave out candles and provided refreshments). Anyone with ideas should contact Patti prior to next week’s meeting.

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