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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Meeting Minutes - Sept 20 & 27, 2017


September 20th Meeting Notes

Our guest speaker was Felicia DiNonno, of the Clover Creek Dinner Theater in Fishkill. She gave a nice presentation on the dinner theater and how it can be used as a fundraiser.

Isabel is contacting Rotary Clubs in Houston, Florida and Puerto Rico to see how we can best help them.

Health of Club

David continues to recover and is in Tyler Rehab now. Keep up the good work, David!

Unfortunately, after we celebrated Al’s birthday at the 20th’s meeting, he had a stroke that night. He is recovering with the help of Gloria and his family. We wish you a speedy recovery, Al!

Ann wasn’t at this meeting to take notes for the newsletter, so that’s all I’ve got!

September 27th Meeting Notes

The Sept. 27th meeting was cancelled due to a very low number of rsvps. The continuation of evening meetings will be reviewed.

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