Guest Speaker
Marietta Manoni, Mobility Director for RideConnect. Ride Connect is a not for- profit program of Family Services of Westchester and is dedicated to finding the fastest and most cost-effective transportation options to meet the needs of older adults, age 60+, in southern Putnam and Westchester Counties. Yorktown is one of Ride Connect’s largest area of need and Marietta is looking for volunteer drivers. Volunteers can sign up to provide as little as one ride a month. Please visit to learn more about this wonderful program and how you can help.
Meeting Notes
• Patti asked that everyone please refrain from talking when someone else has the floor, as it is hard for everyone to hear. She also asked that those who have trouble hearing please sit up close to the podium.
• Another Best & Wurst committee meeting will take place immediately after today’s meeting.
• The next evening meeting will be Wednesday, Sept. 27th. It will be at Oscar’s. Diana will contact them about it and will get back to us with a price.
• The Board decided that we can not commit to selling 50 $100 raffle tickets for Mother Claire and the Outreach Center expansion project.
• Helen L. announced that our shirts have shipped and she should have them for our next meeting, Sept. 6th. Everyone is expected to wear their shirt at The Best & The Wurst.
Health of Club
• There are no reports of illness among the members.
This & That
• Our guests included: our guest speaker, Marietta Manoni, and Geri’s friend (whose name I cannot remember).
• Jonathan had the winning 50-50 Raffle ticket AGAIN and received $8. The Jackpot stands at $58.