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Meeting Minutes - August 9th, 2017


Guest Speaker

Vincent T. Dacquino is the author of Sybil Ludington, A Call to Arms. This 16 year old girl, in 1777, rode, by horseback, 40 miles to advise and summon her father’s regiment because the British were planning a raid in Connecticut and in New York. Our own female Paul Revere went on to marry a lawyer and gave birth to 6 children. This book and Sybil Ludington Ogden: Grandmother’s Story (for children) outline her life and times. Vincent told us about his research in finding this woman which presented some stumbling blocks; he believes he was successful and it is an interesting tale. To purchase these books, go to Amazon or his website, Thank you, Vincent for your presentation and come again.

Meeting Notes

• Patti presided and the following matters were discussed:

• We received a thank you note from St. Mary’s Food Pantry for our monetary donation.

• June 18, 2018, is the date for the beginning of the RI Convention, which will be held in Toronto. Helen L. stated she is planning to attend.

• The Polo shirts have been ordered and should be here soon. $29.44 per is the cost.

• There are still openings for volunteers at the Best & the Wurst.

• We will be embarking on a new project immediately after the Best & Wurst. To celebrate Rotary International’s 100th year anniversary, our club will do 100 Acts of Kindness/Service between September 10th and the end of the year. Each member is asked to perform at least five Acts during that time and report each act at the following meeting. Acts of Kindness/Service can be volunteering, surprising people with free donuts and coffee, dropping off treats at an animal shelter. If possible, we ask that you wear your Rotary shirt when doing your Acts. Attached is an article on a similar endeavor.

• We congratulated Steve U on his receipt of the Golden Baton Award presented by the Westchester Philharmonic.

Health of Club

• There have been no reports of illness among the members.

This & That

• Jolene came with Honorary member, Ann. Steve U. is back from sick leave and is now a member of Yorktown Rotary. Good to see you, Steve!

• Happy Birthday to Jonathan who celebrates his day on August 9.

• The 50-50 Raffle was won by Helen L. and she received $6. The Jackpot stands at $40.

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