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Meeting Minutes - July 12th, 2017


It’s a new Rotary year - Good Luck and Best Wishes to the 2017-18 Officers and Directors of The Rotary Club of Yorktown!


Sam Gambino and Al Lotracchiano from the Carmel Club spoke about their fundraiser, Basketball Shootout held in March. This event has been very profitable, 90% of the profit is used for scholarships and given to charitable organizations. 10% is used for expenses. This past year, they made $52,000. They have access to the high school gym, the Interact club and all members participate. This fundraiser has been very successful and popular in the area. This year’s tournament had 137 participants and the money went to 46 charities. We can learn from them, so let’s see how many sponsors we can sign up! Thank you Sal and Al for your presentation.

Meeting Notes

Steve M., Vice-President presided and the following matters were discussed:

Our scholarship winner from Lakeland, Mohammed Gewida, was given his $1,000 check by Steve. He thanked us and explained that he would be attending St. John’s University to study pharmacy. His ultimate goal is to establish private pharmacies throughout impoverished areas of the world where corruption is rampant. Best wishes and good luck to you, Mohammed!

Club shirt alert- Royal Blue has been chosen as the shirt color and Helen L. advised that they should be ordered soon to take advantage of the sale price.

Best & the Wurst update - Helen B. asked each member to bring in the name of at least one prospective sponsor.

Health of Club

Glad to hear that our friend, Steve U. is recuperating at Fieldhome and would love to hear from us. His Room # is 140 and he can be reached at 914-455-2072 or on his cell, 914-210-1238. Please call before you visit, he has lots of therapy scheduled.

This and That

In addition to guests, Sam, Al, Mohammed and his brother, Hamzuh, we welcomed Debbie who came with Geri and Ann’s guest, Jolene.

We celebrated three birhdays, Happy Birthday to: Ann- July 10 Alice - July 11 Rose - July 16

Steve won the 50-50 Raffle and received $5. The Jackpot remains at $19.

Sad News

We have received word that Sam Owori, RI President-Elect passed away recently. Our condolences go to his family and Rotary International.

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