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Meeting Minutes - June 7th, 2017


Guest Speaker

Bob Nolan told us about Gullota House, a not for profit organization which helps citizens of Westchester County who are facing financial and other difficulties, eg: food vouchers, scholarships, holiday assistance, etc. Bob, who is a Gullota House Board Member, related several stories of people whom they have helped: A man received a new handicap ramp to replace his crumbling one; a family going through financial hardship received a gas card and groceries and they were introduced to the Salvation Army; and at a fund raiser, money was raised to help pay for a high school student’s brain tumor surgery; and money was also donated to a college fund for a young woman who’s father had recently passed away. Check out their website,, for more information.

Bob is also a member of the Ossining Rotary Club and he advised us that their Annual Charity Duck Race is July 29th. If you wish to buy a duck, or two, or three, please visit the website above. Thank you, Bob, for your presentation.

Meeting Notes

Steve M., our incoming Vice- President, asked for the meeting schedule for the 2017-18 year, so he can set up a speakers schedule for the lunch meetings.

It was confirmed that the monthly evening meeting will be held on the fourth Wednesday of each month.

Our June 28th meeting will be held at the Yorktown Museum at 6PM.

It was also decided that there would not be a meeting on July 5th.

Health of Club

There have been no reports of illness among the members.

This & That

Our guests were Jolene, who came with Ann, and Mike, our Honorary member. Glad to see you both!

We celebrated Mike’s birthday today and sang our best wishes to him. Thank you, Geri, for providing delicious cupcakes to celebrate. Mike told us that he and Jeanne will be heading back home next Tuesday and we wish them Bon Voyage!

Led by Alice, we gave kudos to those who arranged our fabulous Paul Harris/Installation Dinner. Alice gave gifts to everyone and the club gave Alice a gift for being such a great President. Thank you, Alice!

Steve won the 50-50 Raffle of $10 and he also won the Jackpot of $39!

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