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Meeting Minutes - May 31st, 2017


Guest Speaker

Andi Simon, anthropologist and author of On the Brink, discussed her take on corporate anthropology, which is the practice of observing both the customer and the processes of a business critically to recognize needs, new markets and “aha” moments that can lead to innovation and growth. She posited that technology has become part of everyday life and computers do many of the tasks that humans did and businesses must innovate to stay in business. She has been successful in advising her clients how they may achieve their goals by holding workshops where they can exchange ideas and explore untapped resources. Questions and answers followed, as well as a discussion of the topic. For more information, log onto Thank you, Andi for your presentation.

Meeting Notes

Helen B. brought us up to date regarding The Best & the Wurst. Members are needed to man the tables at Relay for Life events to sell tickets and a sign up sheet was passed around.

Helen L. and Diana Q. displayed the shirt chosen for members to buy and wear at Best & the Wurst, etc. It is available in several colors and on sale for $30. The RI and club name will be displayed. There was a debate about the color to be chosen, which will be discussed further.

Health of Club

There have been no reports of illness among the members.

This & That

Today, we welcomed Perri, who was Helen L.’s guest, Pat, who came with Diana Q., and Jolene, who came with Ann. Also with us was Honorary Member Mike McCrystal and Steve Ucko from the Northeast Westchester Club. Good to see you all!

The 50-50 Raffle was worth $8. and Steve M. held the winning ticket. He returned the winnings to the club. Thank you! The Jackpot stands at $30.

Paul Harris and Installation Dinner- June 2, 2017, at Peter Pratt’s Inn

It was a wonderful evening! The sky was blue and the sun was shining -the fellowship was excellent and the food was delicious.

We welcomed Past District Governors, Marilyn Masiero, Karl Milde and our own Helen Lynch, as well as members from the Bronx and Northeast Westchester Clubs and members of the Yorktown Police Department to our midst.

Past District Governor, Helen L. installed the 2017-18 Officers and Directors and they are:

President - Patti

President-Elect - Diana Q.

Vice-President - Steve M

Secretary- David B.

Treasurer - Rose

Sgt-At Arms - Isabel

Past President - Alice R.

President Emeritus - Geri

Club Service & Membership - Isabel

International Service & Rotary Foundation - Helen & David B.

Bulletin Editors - Ann & Patti

Patti made the presentations to our newest Paul Harris Fellows, Rose and Chief Noble, as did representatives from the State and County.Congratulations to you both!

The Rotary Club also presented Chief Noble with a $1,000 donation to his charity of choice, which he chose to split between Support Connection and Tuesday’s Child.

Alice R. also presented monetary gifts to Heart to Haiti, Support Connection, United for the Troops (Canine Division), Yorktown Food Pantry and St. Mary’s Food Pantry.

It was a happy and satisfying evening and thanks go to those who made the arrangements!

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