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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Meeting Minutes - May 17th, 2017


Guest Speakers

Lucille Munz, Farm Director at Hilltop Hanover Farm, gave us an overview of the farm and its mission. She emphasized the Community Supported Agriculture program as a mutual commitment between farmer and the consumer. Members of CSA ensure a base and stable income for the farm during the growing season and in return the CSA members receive a weekly share of freshly picked produce.

The farm provides local restaurants with produce and they are trying to expand to food pantries in Westchester. On their agenda is a commercial kitchen and the animals have returned - three Dutch Belted cows live there. This is a rare breed whose milk is quite rich in content. For more info check the website at

Attorney Richard Abbate spoke to us about Elder Law and bankruptcy; specifically Chapters 7 and 13 of the Bankruptcy Law. He explained that under Chapter 7, one may liquidate assets and distribute proceeds to cover debt, while under Chapter 13, one may adjust debts with one’s regular income and keep property and pay debts over time. This is a long legal process and one should consult an attorney who specializes in this type of law. Chapters 7 and 13 are described on the internet on several websites, but talking to and discussing it with an attorney seems the best option.

Thank you, Lucille and Richard, for your presentations.

Meeting Notes

• Patti presided and the following matters were discussed: 66 people have signed on to attend the Installation Dinner (75 as of 5/22!).

• The video journal has been put on hold for reasons beyond our control. Perhaps one can be compiled for the Best & the Wurst? There was discussion about using last year’s. These ideas will be talked about further.

• Isabel announced that the scholarship winners have been chosen and they will be advised by mail. She thanked Vickie Abbate and Ann for their help in this endeavor.

NOTE: The night meeting for this week HAS BEEN CANCELLED. We will have our regular lunch meeting on Wednesday, May 24th. It was decided that we would have these night meetings at different venues. All suggestions are welcome.

• T-Bone told us that the renovation at St Mary’s Church is progressing.

Health of Club

• We miss you Alice! Feel better!

This & That

• We welcomed Jolene who came with Ann and Mike McCrystal, our Honorary member.

• We wish Dianna P., a very Happy Birthday today and a very Happy Anniversary to Patti and Dean on May 21.

• David won the 50-50 Raffle and received $8. and the Jackpot stands at $15.

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