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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Meeting Minutes - May 10th, 2017


Guest Speaker

Kaitlin Chieco, from the American Cancer Society, spoke about the upcoming Relay for Life on June 9 at Jack DeVito Memorial Field. This is their big event raising money and awareness. The funds raised go to saving lives and empowers people to fight back. There is entertainment and activities to keep things lively and fun too. Walking and running around a track or path in teams or individually is what makes this event move. This is what some wonderful people will be doing between 4PM and 12AM on June 9th. There was question, answer and discussion period following. Thank you, Kaitlin for your presentation.

FYI: Relay for Life in Yorktown is one of our Best & Wurst local patrons. Our Club will have a table at the event to sell tickets to The Best & The Wurst. A big thank you to those who have signed up to work at the booth:

Mike M. Geri T-Bone Steve M. Isabel Dave Helen B.

We can use more volunteers! If you are interested in getting involved please contact Helen B.

Meeting Notes

Patti presided today and the following was discussed: Several members will be attending the District Governor’s Installation Dinner on May 20. For more information check the District website:

Do we wish to be on the Yorktown Trail Map. It would cost us $50. We decided not to.

Patti announced that 63 people have signed up to attend our Installation Dinner on June 2. In reference to the video journal, each member is asked to bring in one contact. It will cost $100. for 30 seconds for each ad.

The club will also have a table at Yorktown Community Day, on June 17th, at the Jefferson Valley Mall. The event is from 11 am to 4 pm, with set up to be completed by 10:30am. Please let Helen B. know if you can help out at our table during the event.

Helen B. advised us that a table top presentation of the club’s projects, such as the wheelchairs, clean water in Honduras, Gift of Life, etc, will be displayed at our table at both Community Day and Relay for Life.

Mary Ann’s paintings are currently being showcased at Club Fit in Jefferson Valley. Everyone is invited to see her artwork, which will be on view until the end of this month -- and you do not need to be a member to view the paintings.

Health of Club

There have been no reports of illness among the members.

This & That

Jolene, who came with Ann and honorary member, Mike M. were our guests today, in addition to our guest speaker. Glad to see you!

Isabel celebrated her birthday today, May 10, - and as a special treat, Geri brought some delicious cupcakes for everyone. Thank you, Geri and Happy Birthday to Isabel!

Sunday, May 14, is Mother’s Day and a happy day to all mothers, including pet mothers!!

David won the 50-50 Raffle, receiving $7. The Jackpot stands at $7.


May 14 is not only Mother’s Day; it is also Dance like a Chicken Day! The latter is a good ice breaker - so dance on Sunday and celebrate Mother’s Day.

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