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Meeting Minutes - May 3rd, 2017


Guest Speaker

Burton Greenburg spoke to us about the importance of organ donations for transplantation. Burton is a senior citizen and awaiting a kidney donation. There is a great shortage of organ donations, with New York State having the largest number of individuals in the U.S. awaiting transplants. Unlike in Europe, which has an automatic organ-donation-upon-death system, the U.S. depends upon the goodwill of people to sign up to donate their organs.

Every body donated can supply eight organs for other people in need. Burton also told us that it costs $100,000. for a kidney transplant but it costs $200,000. for a year of dialysis. Big difference.

Burton asked if we would sign up to donate organs, or it we already had; Would you? He also mentioned that if you are serious about donating organs, don’t depend on what it says on your drivers’ license: sign up with an organization. Please give this subject thought and check out these websites for more information:

United Network for Organ Sharing: For total body donations:

Thank you, Burton, for your moving presentation.

Meeting Notes Alice presided and the following matters were discussed:

Community Day is scheduled for June 18 from 11AM to 4PM at the JV Mall. Should we participate? The consensus was positive, but we need members to sign up to be at our table.

T-Bone reported that St Mary’s Church, in Mohegan Lake, is low on funds to finish their renovation and they are short of food and other services for the Food Pantry. He is reaching out on their behalf and the club advised that some financial assistance will be offered and we will support his efforts. Their website is:

David reported that 8 breweries have committed to attending the Best &the Wurst and there are 12 patrons from local charitable organizations. He is hopeful more will step forward.

Health of Club

There have been no reports of illness among the members. Gloria said that she is feeling better each day and we are very glad to hear that!

This & That

In addition to our speaker we welcomed honorary member from across the pond, Mike McCrystal, and Jolene, who came with Ann.

The 50-50 Raffle was won by T-Bone and he received $8. Would you believe he won the Jackpot of $108, too? He did and he donated all the money to the club. Thank you T-Bone -- You are a very generous Rotarian!

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