Guest Speaker
We had two speakers today from Heart in Haiti: Marie Blon, the organization’s President, and John Katzenstein, who serves as their Treasurer and is also a member of the Northeast Westchester Rotary Club. They have made good progress having built a community building and completing a basketball court. They teach students Pre-K through 6th grade and the goal is to have education through high school. Teaching training is available, problem solving is emphasized and there is a music program. An agricultural program has been instituted and they hope to become self-sufficient in this area. At this time it costs $365. a year to support a child. There is a huge cultural chasm in Haiti and the higher level has little interest in helping the less fortunate, including the Rotary clubs of Haiti. However Rotarians from other parts of the world are helping.
At least $15 billion has been sent to this very poor country, but no one seems to know where it is. Heart in Haiti believes the only way to help is through education and they are working hard to reach that goal. Look at their website for more info: Thank you Marie and John for your fine presentation and keep up the good work!
Meeting Notes
Alice presided and the following was discussed:
The Rotary plaque commemorating our late good friend and club member Lorraine DSisto will be unveiled on Friday, April 28, at Patriot Park.
The Bronx Club is asking that we buy an ad in their Gala Journal and the Club voted to buy a full page ad for $200.
There will be a “Remembrance of the Holocaust” at Town Hall this evening at 7PM.
The Field Home Fall Festival is scheduled for September 23rd and the Club is entitled to a free table. Unfortunately this is after The Best & the Wurst.
There was a discussion of the ad video for our Paul Harris/Installation Diner scheduled for June 2. Alice asked that everyone bring in at least one business ad which would cost $100.
The Briarcliff Club is holding a fundraiser at Captain Lawrence Brewery on May 1 from 6PM to 9PM. Walk ins are welcome.
Mary Ann said she will be having a showing of her paintings at Club Fit in Jefferson Valley starting on May 1. She invited us to visit and see her paintings (You do not need to be a member).
Health of Club
We were happy to see Gloria and Al today. Gloria had her heart surgery and said she is feeling better. We missed you, welcome back!
This & That
In addition to our speakers, we had the following guests: Jolene who came with Ann, Lillian Chapman, who came with Alice, honorary member, Mike McCrystal and Steve Ucko from Northeast Westchester club. Glad to see you all!
The 50-50 Raffle was won by Patti who received $7. The Jackpot stands at $100.