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Meeting Minutes - April 19th, 2017


Guest Speaker

Senator Murphy was unable to be with us today; we hope he will be able to come at a another time.

Meeting Notes

Alice presided and the following matters were discussed:

•Geri and Isabel attended the QUAD meeting April 18th at Cortlandt Colonial. It was a good meeting with an excellent speaker. •Alice attended an event at the Hart Library to view an art exhibit and to hear the artist speak about her work. She suggested her as speaker for one of our meetings. •Alice also talked about helping young people - focusing on 21 to 35 year olds. She said many of them experience such overwhelming problems such as alcoholism, drug abuse, etc. Something to ponder.

Yorktown Highway Superintendent and club member, Dave Paganelli spoke about the ups and downs of his job. Much paperwork, repair of potholes, roads, tree work, sidewalks and the list goes on. He now has someone in the office, full time and GPS in all the trucks and truck surveillance for safety reasons. It is very expensive and sometimes he must wheel and deal in order to get the job done. There was a lively question and answer period. Thank you for your presentation, Dave and you and your crew do a good job!

Health of Club

There are no known illnesses among the members.

This & That

Our guests included Jolene who accompanied Ann and Steve Ucko from the Northeast Westchester Club. Also among us was our honorary member, Mike McCrystal from across the pond. Good to see you all!

The 50-50 Raffle was won by Jonathon and he received $9. The Jackpot stands at $93.

Best wishes to Alice who is running for a seat on the Town Board!

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