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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Meeting Minutes - April 5th, 2017


Guest Speaker

Tom Sciangula, a TV camera operator, recently retired from Channel 12 News gave us some insight into the world of preparation for the daily news cast. There are always people behind the camera who prepare the news; meetings, assignments, being outside in all types of weather and conditions. There is so much seen that is not seen by the viewers. There are pictures in his mind, of things, he wished he never saw. In a nutshell, it is not easy to prepare a story, suitable for public consumption.

He showed us examples of the progression of camera and sound equipment over the years and said he met many well known people he would not have met, if not for his job. He felt it was time to retire with good memories. He told us we could request publicity of an event by calling 914-378-8916 or by emailing Thank you Tom for your presentation.

Meeting Notes

Patti presided in Alice’s absence and the following was discussed:

Patti said she had a good experience at PETS and the theme was: we need more club members.

The QUAD Meeting will take place on April 18, 6PM to 8PM at Cortlandt Colonial. The cost is $25. per person. If you haven’t already, please let Patti know asap if you are or aren’t attending.

The District Assembly will take place on April 29 and the Installation Dinner for 2017-18 District Governor, Barbara Edwards, will take place on May 20. Please check the District website for more information about these events.

It was mentioned that the slate of officers for next year must be completed soon and that this must be discussed by the Board.

David and Helen B. brought us up to date on the Best & the Wurst. We now have 7 501(c)3 partners (more are welcome) and at least 7 Breweries have signed on. In addition, there is a strong possibility that a German winery will sign on.

The Briarcliff Club is holding a Beer tasting on May 1 with a admission charge of $50.

We have been invited to the Small Business Symposium on April 12 at the Yorktown Stage from 8AM to 11AM.

Health of Club

We were glad to see Rose today and she said she is doing well.

This and That

In addition to the guest speaker, we welcomed Jolene who came with Ann.

Rose won the 50-50 Raffle, receiving $7. The Jackpot stands at $77.

District Paul Harris Luncheon - April 8 - Winter Palace in Biddle House - Tarrytown. Here’s a great group picture, taken by Steve U. (he had a wonderful time in Iceland). We had a great time! Congratulations to David who was awarded the designation of Major Donor!

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