Guest Speaker
Bob Giordano, President and Founder of the Yorktown Small Business Association, told us about the organization begun in 2014. This notfor-profit organization has 60 members and its mission is to “create and foster a progressive and a sustainable economic development ---allows for business growth --- while improving the economic health and small town vitality of The Town of Yorktown.” This is a big job, but Bob is enthusiastic and he answered questions and participated in an active discussion. For more information, check out their website at Thank you, Bob for your presentation.
Meeting Notes
Alice R. presided and the following matters were discussed:
Mary Ann Shunk was installed as a member of the club with her sponsor, Geri assisting. We welcomed her into our midst with a round of applause. Congratulations and welcome, Mary Ann!
Alice read a thank you note from the Yorktown Senior Center, thanking us for the desserts on Valentine’s Day.
A check has been sent to the District to cover the cost of all club members who signed up to attend the District Paul Harris Luncheon on April 8th. Please reimburse the club ASAP - $60 per person.
Upcoming events are the District Assembly on April 29 and on June 2, our Installation/Paul Harris Dinner. All pertinent information about them are included in Patti’s emails sent to all members.
Alice called for a Board meeting, immediately after this meeting. The Best & the Wurst Committee will also meet.
Health of Club
There have been no reports of illness among the members.
This and That
In addition to our speaker, we welcomed Dan who came with David and Helen B., Jolene who was Ann’s guest and Mary Ann who was sworn in as a new member.
The 50-50 Raffle worth $8. was won by Rose who held the winning number. The Jackpot stands at $62.