Guest Speaker
Mary Opfer, Registered Dietician specializing in Integrative and Culinary Nutrition, was our speaker today. She gave us some good hints about eating for healthy living, such as: write down what you eat, portion control, carbs are necessary - eat them in moderation, not every diet plan works for everyone, breakfast is important as is eating three meals a day and dessert is a privilege. She answered our questions and there was a good discussion about food and dieting. Mary has an excellent website,, with a section containing some interesting recipes, a blog, etc. Take a look! Thank you, Mary for your presentation.
Meeting Notes
Diana Q presided in Alice R’s absence.
Mary Ann Shunk has been proposed for club membership. If you have questions concerning this application, please contact Alice.
Health of the Club
We hope to see Alice back with us soon.
This and That
We welcomed Mary Ann, Geri’s guest and Jolene who came with Ann. Good to see you!
Helen L. won the 50-50 Raffle which was $7 and the Jackpot is $50.
March as been designated National Nutrition Month, National Women’ History Month and National Irish-American Heritage Month. Oh, and by the way, March 15 is the Ides of March -- Beware - remember what happened to Julius Caesar!