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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Meeting Minutes - February 8th, 2017


Guest Speaker

Our scheduled guest speaker, Perry Gosikoff, was unable to attend due to illness. We hope he will be able to come at a later date. Patti, who presided, asked Ann to please tell the group about herself and her family.

Ann explained that one of her ancestors was Aaron Burr and another was a Salem Witch hanged, reportedly, because of her habit of being very outspoken. Her maternal grandfather emigrated from Cuba in 1868, met her grandmother who was a Brooklyn girl, they married and raised five children in the Bronx. Her father made cigars for Lillian Russell.

Ann was raised in the Town of Coxsackie, and she attended and graduated from Russell Sage College in Troy. Ann obtained a position as Correction Counselor at Bedford Hills CF, where she worked for 31 years and then retired. Since then she has been a Literacy Volunteer and joined the Yorktown Rotary Club (sponsored by Helen L.). She mentioned that her father was also a Rotarian. A question was asked about Muffin (the cat), who has become quite famous and who runs her life as well as those of her aides.

Thank you, Ann, for sharing your very interesting life story with us!

Meeting Notes

On Tuesday, February 14, at 11:30 AM, we will meet at the Yorktown Nutrition Center to have lunch with the seniors. The Club will provide dessert: Dixie Cups and cupcakes! Please advise Rose if you are attending, she needs a headcount. Her email is

There will NOT be a meeting Wednesday, Feb. 15th

Our Paul Harris/Installation Dinner will take place on June 2, 6:00PM at Peter Pratt’s. The cost is $10 for members (the rest is covered by dues), and $75 for guests.

Health of Club

There have been no illnesses reported among the membership. However, Alice is with her daughter who is undergoing surgery. We hope all is well.

This and That

We welcomed the following guests: Steve M., who came with Geri; Tom, who was Diana’s guest; and Jolene, who came with Ann. Steve U., from the Northeast Westchester Club, joined us and said he would be leaving for a trip to Florida. Then, when he returns in March, he will be heading off to Iceland. Bon Voyage and enjoy!

Steven Melchiano has applied for membership. If you have any questions about his applicantion please contact Alice R.

The 50-50 Raffle was won by Diana who received $7. The Jackpot is now $21.

Dave Paganelli, Yorktown Road Superintendant, stopped by to update us on the pending storm. Five to eleven inches of snow is expected and rush hour will be miserable. The road crews are ready to go and will be running from 1:00 AM on to------.

Everyone, be careful and stay off the roads if you can.

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