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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Meeting Minutes - February 1, 2017


Guest Speaker

Denise Gabriele - Poulin is the founder and operator, with her husband Jim, of Hope Creations. She taught herself to make jewelry and they began to sell it. All the money made goes to those in need. Denise makes necklaces, anklets, earrings, etc. and she will design special orders. Denise and Jim are active in the Lions Club, Relay for Life and other community activities and events. She is very passionate in her desire to help conquer cancer and gave us a phone number to call for information about this disease - 800-227-2345. Denise asked us to consider joining ACS CAN, which is dedicated to ending cancer. Their website is She displayed samples of her jewelry (it is beautiful!) and if you want more information call 914-920-8045 or email her at Thank you for your presentation, Denise, and your dedication.

Meeting Notes

Patti presided in Alice’s absence and the following was discussed:

The evening meetings, on the 4th Wednesday of the month, will begin in May.

The Valentine’s Day Luncheon at the Senior Center will take place on Tuesday, February 14 at 11:30AM. The Club will provide dessert. If you plan to attend please advise Rose ASAP. Her email address is

There will be no meeting on February 15.

Whether or not the club participates in the Ronald McDonald House project will be discussed at the next Board meeting.

The District Paul Harris Luncheon is scheduled for April 8. Our Paul Harris/ Installation Dinner is tentatively scheduled for June 2 and the committee is checking out Peter Pratt’s for the venue.

The RI Convention is being held in Atlanta and Bill Gates will be a speaker. For more information look at the RI website.

The following individuals have applied for membership: Don Porter, Tom Pomposello, Richard Abbatte, Victoria Abbate If you have any questions about these applicants, please contact Alice R.

Immediately following today’s meeting Geri, Helen L., Steve and Patti went to The Seabury to make thank you hearts with the residents for their Hearts for Veterans drive.

Health of Club

There have been no reports of illness among the members.

This and That

Today we welcomed guests Steve, who came with Geri, and Kim, who accompanied Ann. Also, Steve from the Northeast Westchester Club was amongst us. Good to see all of you!

Denise had the winning 50-50 Raffle ticket and received $7. The Jackpot contains a whopping $15.

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