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Meeting Minutes - January 24th & 25th, 2017


Area 2 Meeting - January 24th

District Governor Laura Hugelmeyer and the Bedford-Armonk were the hosts for the Area 2 meeting. Representatives from Bedford-Armonk, Chappaqua, Elmsford, Mt Kisco, Northeast Westchester, Tarrytown and Yorktown Clubs were present, along PDG, Helen Lynch, PDG, Karl Milde and the Bronx Club.

After a sumptuous meal each club was asked to talk about their projects and fundraising activities. The Tarrytown club has an interesting project: a Snack Drive to supply snacks for the Ronald McDonald House at Maria Ferrari Hospital. They rely on donations and they are always running low on snacks. They are asking all clubs to join in on a monthly basis. There is a Ronald McDonald House wish list on Amazon; District Governor Laura spoke, commenting on the projects and urging the clubs to join with the Tarrytown club to help the Ronald McDonald House. What do you think?

Lunch Meeting - January 25th

Guest Speaker

Noreen O’Driscoll, Director of the Yorktown Nutrition Center, spoke to us about their program. They provide lunch for senior citizens at the Center and to the homebound, Monday through Friday. The suggested donation is $2.50 per person. There is transportation to and from the Center. This is funded by the government and no one is turned away. Emergency meals are also provided, in case of bad weather conditions. A Social Worker and Nutritionist visit the senior’s home and evaluate the situation. Transportation for shopping in Yorktown and medical trips to doctors is also provided. They have received grants for recreational activities, too.

The Center offers a great deal for older residents, including socialization with others. Noreen’s office number is 914-962-7447 and the email address is Thank you, Noreen, for your presentation.

Meeting Notes

Alice R. presided and the following matters were discussed:

Patti announced that Rose Mazzola and Chief of Police Robert Noble have been chosen to be our Paul Harris Fellows. They will be honored at the District Paul Harris Luncheon on April 8 and at our Installation/Paul Harris Dinner.

Patti said she would attend PETS as President - Elect.

We received thank you notes from HEART (for Haiti) and Shelter Box for our donations of $500 each.

We discussed having an evening meeting again. The club voted that we hold one evening meeting per month at an undecided venue or venues.

Geri gave a resume of the Area meeting, focusing on the Ronald McDonald Project described above.

On Wednesday, February 1, the Club will go to the Seabury to participate in the Hearts for Veterans Valentine program. Starting time 2:00PM, after the regular meeting at Kirby’s.

To keep up with upcoming events, please check our website.

Health of Club

There have been no reports of illness among the members.

This and That

Four individuals have applied for club membership: Don Peters, Tom Pomposello, Richard Abbate and Victoria Abbate. If you have any questions about these applications, please let us know.

Our guests today were, Tom, who came with Diana Q., Steve, who accompanied Geri, and Jolene, who came with Ann. We were happy to see you!

Jonathon won the 50-50 Raffle, winning $7 and the Jackpot stands at $7.

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