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Meeting Minutes - January 18th, 2017


Guest Speaker

Tom Pomposello aka: T-Bone told us about Yorktown’s San Gennaro Festival. Tom is very active in community affairs and the planning committee for the Festival. In 2016, our own Tony was the Grand Marshal. Good job, Tony! As many as possible local businesses, organizations, bands, etc were invited to participate and the four day event was very successful. The goal is to make it better every year. Local charitable organizations are the beneficiaries of monies made and the Festival Committee works closely with the New York Diocese and local churches. They are negotiating for a five day event this year. If you want good Italian food and lots of fun, this is a festival to attend. More information s forthcoming! Thank you, Tom, for your presentation and good luck.

Meeting Notes

President Alice presided and the following matters were discussed:

On February 14 we will join the Seniors at the Nutrition Center and provide cupcakes for dessert. Lunch will be $2 or $2.50. We will need to tell the Center how many of us will be having lunch the week prior.

There will be no meeting on February 15.

“Hearts for Veterans” will take place The Seabury in February. Patti will send email to members with possible dates. If you can participate in making valentine cards for veterans, please respond to the email ASAP.

A sign up sheet was passed around for those attending the District Governor’s Area meeting on Tuesday, January 24, 6:30PM at the Kittle House. Patti will send an email to all members concerning this. The cost is $40. per person with a cash bar.

The Best & the Wurst Committee will meet after the lunch meeting.

Health of Club

We were happy to see Alice R today. She said she was feeling better. Helen L. told us that she is “getting there”. Stay well, ladies!

This and That

We welcomed Jolene, who accompanied Ann, and Steve from the North Westchester Club as our guests. Good to see you!

Jeannette pulled a double whammy by winning the 50-50 Raffle and picking the Ace of Hearts for the Jackpot!! She received $24.

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