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Meeting Minutes - December 21st, 2016


Meeting Notes

When asked “What are you up to?”, PDG Marilyn Masiero replied, “Trying to keep out of trouble.” Marilyn also added that she has been traveling, is the President of the Larchmont Rotary Club and has been asked to serve on the Board for the College of New Rochelle. Marilyn also serves on the Board of Visions - a free service for the visually impaired.

Marilyn said that all clubs will receive information from the District soon about applying for grants for club projects. Such projects must have sustaining ability to be considered. She also spoke about membership (several clubs have been closed) and encouraged members to attend the RI Convention in Atlanta from June 10-14, 2017.

We also learned that Marilyn and her husband have been elected to the membership of the Arch Klump Society, a great honor. Congratulations!

Alice R. wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah and we received a thank you note from Love in Action for the gift donations. Geri said she discussed our concern of the expensive gift requests with the Director and the matter has been resolved.

There will be no meeting on December 28.

There was a meeting of the Paul Harris Fellows following the lunch meeting.

Health of Club

There have been no reports of illness among the members.

This and That

In addition to welcoming PDG Marilyn, Steve, from the Northeast Westchester Club, and Jolene, Ann’s guest, joined us.

Happy Birthday to Tony and Happy Anniversary to David and Helen who celebrated their days on December 20.

We also celebrated the birthday of Michael, our intrepid Server, who was born on December 21.

Ann held the winning 50-50 Raffle ticket and received $8. The Jackpot stands at $32.

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