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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Meeting Minutes - November 29, 2016


Guest Speaker

Brian Marschhausen, Editor of the Yorktown News and Somers Record explained that he was raised in Yorktown, attended and graduated from Yorktown High School. He then went to SUNY, Purchase and graduated with a degree in Journalism. As Editor, he works with a reporter and the news is supplemented by freelance reporters and photographers. He also updates the website on a daily basis. Brian’s talk evolved into a discussion of news reporting in general. The consensus of opinion was that many of the local newscasters are biased in the way news is reported. There were many questions and the answers given by Brian were succinct. Yorktown News and Somers Record can be found on Facebook and in print. Thank you, Brian for your presentation.

Meeting Notes

Alice R. presided and the following topics were discussed:

The Club voted to send a $500. donation to the flood victims in North Carolina. We also agreed to send $500. toward a Shelter Box for the Haiti Hurricane victims and $500.00 for the My Brother Vinnie organization.

We will be giving gifts to needy families through Love in Action for this holiday season. A signup sheet was passed around and will be sent to all club members.

Patti will be in charge of arranging a meeting of the Paul Harris Fellows to choose next year’s recipients.

The 2017-18 District Conference will be held on April 7 & 8 at Tarrytown Estates.

The charge for lunch at Kirby’s is now $22. per person.

The Bronx Club will holding their Holiday Party on December 13. Please check their website for more information.

Our Holiday Party, as you know, is coming up this Friday, December 9. We always have a good time.

For upcoming events, check our website.

Health of Club

Glad to see you back, Alice! We are happy to report that there are no reports of illness among the members.

This and That

Our guests, in addition to Brian, were Steve Uko from Northeast Westchester Club, Dave Paganelli who has applied for membership and who was Diana Q’s guest and Jolene Roach, who came with Ann. Good to see you all, please come again!

Today, Rose won $6. in the 50-50 Raffle and the Jackpot is $18.

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