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Meeting Minutes - November 16th, 2016


Guest Speaker

Our guest speaker today was Robert Noble, Chief of the Yorktown Police Department. He is a member of the Westchester Emerald Society and is an Elk. He believes that one of the main duties of the police is to meet and talk to the people and the Police Department recently held a meet and greet for this purpose. He is also in favor of law enforcement clubs in the high schools and asking local store owners to practice safe diligence. These and other things will help to deter crime. Bob spoke about spams which are prevalent and the Do Not Call system and he gave us some handouts relating to these matters as well as a few safety tips. He added that he believes there should be more women in law enforcement and welcomes prospective candidates. For more information on the Yorktown Police Department, visit their website: Thank you, Chief, for your presentation and please come again.

Meeting Notes

Patti presided in Alice R.’s absence.

The Lion’s Club Spaghetti Dinner is Friday, Nov. 18 and a good representation of the Club plan to attend.

There will be no meeting on Nov. 23.

We received a Thank You note from the Alliance for Safe Kids.

The Club voted to donate $500.00 to the Putnam Food Pantry.

Health of Club

Alice R. is still not feeling well and we send her our best wishes for a speedy recovery.

This and That

In addition to our speaker we welcomed Pat who came with Diana, Melanie who was Isabel’s guest and Jolene who came with Ann.

Jeannette held the winning 50-50 Raffle ticket and received $12.

Have a Very Happy Thanksgiving!!

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