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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Meeting Minutes - October 12th, 2016


Guest Speaker

Our speaker, Joseph Spiezzio, of Competition Carting, was unable to join us today. Diana will reschedule his visit.

Meeting Notes

Alice R. presided and the following matters were discussed:

The Board will meet on Thursday, October 13, 12:30PM, at Kirby’s.

The club will contact the Rotary Club of Lumberton, N.C. concerning our wish to help the flood disaster caused by Hurricane Matthew.

Alice suggested that we invite Al Roker to talk to us about climate change. He has been doing research into its causes and the members [believe] it would be a good and timely topic.

We received an invitation from the Bronx Club for their Annual Holiday Party held at Sammy’s Shrimp Box on December 16. Anyone attending must RSVP by December 9 to Mary Springman, 914-954-4748. Their website is

Because we had no speaker, Alice asked Isabel to tell us about herself. Isabel was raised in the Bronx, graduated from Evander Childs High School (interesting fact: Freida was a member of the first graduating class of that school) and attended LIU, served as Registrar at Mercy College, earned her Master’s degree and then became Registrar at Iona where she also taught Abnormal Psychology. During this time, she also got married, had children and moved to Westchester. Isabel pointed out that when she was growing up she and her family and friends walked everywhere and this began a discussion of “then and now” in the Bronx, Westchester or wherever one was born. We learned that Rose was born in Katonah, which was different from what it is now. This was an interesting conversation and next time we do not have a speaker, Alice will ask another member to tell us more about themselves.

Health of Club

There have been no reports of illness among the members.

This and That

We welcomed Hermion today, guest of Ann.

Happy Birthday wishes to David on the October 12, Gerri on October 14 and Patti on October 17. Have many more!!

Patti held the winning 50-50 Raffle ticket and received $4. The Jackpot stands at $307.

Ponder This

The Bumble Bee cannot fly.

According to recognized aerotechnical tests, the Bumble Bee cannot fly because of the weight and shape of its body in relation to the total wing area, but the Bumble Bee doesn’t know this, so he just flies anyway. Remember this the next time you are faced with a difficult task.

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