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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Meeting Minutes - October 5th, 2016


Guest Speaker

Sergio Esposito, Vice-President of the Yorktown Chamber of Commerce, spoke to us about the Chamber, whose mission is to promote development and growth of the town’s businesses through networking, mentoring, and events such as the Annual Festival & Street Fair (October 9th), and many other activities. Please log onto their website for more information,

The Chamber is supportive of charitable organizations such as Support Connection. Sergio is personally deeply involved in raising money to send a local child to Camp Sunshine, which is dedicated to children with life threatening diseases. This year a baseball fundraiser is being planned. For more information on that please contact Sergio at 914- 433-0575 or Thank you Sergio for joining us today.

Meeting Notes

Alice R. presided and thanked David for all the work he did to make The Best & the Wurst a good day. Despite the gloomy weather, there was a good turnout, the beer was excellent, the bratwurst was luscious, the music was enjoyable and everyone seemed to have a good time.

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped: club members, Lions, Boy Scouts, the iPad brigade --- for making it a happy and successful day!

Our Holiday Party is scheduled for December 9th at Traditions (NE Westchester Club will not be joining us). 7:00PM for cocktails.

Our Panera fundraiser is November 3rd, from 4 to 8PM. Please note that in order for the club to get credit from Panera’s, people must present the fundraising flyer when they place their order.

There will be no meetings on October 26, (possibly) November 2 and November 23.

On October 24 we will participate in the Emergency Preparedness Training seminar at Jefferson Village, time: 12:45PM. We will not meet to eat beforehand.

Steve reported that Katonah Museum will charge the club $200. for maintenance.

This excursion will be discussed by the Board.

Helen B. is ready and willing to coordinate the Coat Drive and the Board will further discuss the planning for said project.

Health of Club

There have been no reports of illness among the members.

This and That

Among the guests today were Dan from the Carmel club and Steve from the Northeast Westchester club. We also welcomed, Hermion, Natasha and John who is active in the Boy Scouts, as is Dan.

A Very Happy Birthday to Helen B. on October 5 and Helen L. on October 6. Enjoy your days, ladies!

Isabel received $8. for having the winning 50-50 Raffle ticket and the Jackpot stands at $303.

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