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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Meeting Minutes - September 14th, 2016


Guest Speaker

We welcomed Attorney Richard Abbate, who spoke to us about Elder Law. He said everyone 18 years or older should have a health care proxy. Whoever you choose should be someone you trust; it could be a relative, friend, lawyer, etc. Having a will is very important, too (and don’t store it in a safety deposit box at the bank), and so is appointing some one with power of attorney (again someone you trust).

There was much discussion and questions and answers about these topics and other pertinent issues. We thank Richard for his presentation.

Meeting Notes

Alice and Geri reported that they attended a (future ElderAct?) meeting at The Seabury when Mother Claire spoke. The people at Seabury will help make sandwiches for “Midnight Run”. Isabel said that the attendance at the 9/11 Remembrance ceremony was excellent.

Geri suggested that perhaps Love in Action or My Brother Vinnie can help us with our holiday project of giving to needy families. This will be investigated.

It has been suggested that we join with the Northeast Westchester Club for the holiday party at Traditions. This will be discussed further.

The Katonah Museum is having a Matisse exhibit soon and we discussed the possibility of attending it as a club. November 30 was mentioned as a date. Steve said he would get more information.

There will be no meeting on October 26 as we will be going to Jefferson Village to participate in an Emergency Preparedness Drill on October 24. We must be there by 1:00 PM.

FYI: upcoming events are listed on our website.

Please be advised that David Paganelli is being considered for membership.

Health of Club

There are no known illnesses among the members.

This and That

Our guests today were Hermion, who came with Ann; Steve Ucko, from the Northeast Westchester Club; and Dave Paganelli, who is a potential member. Glad you could join us!

Al and Gloria celebrated there 54th wedding anniversary on September 13 and we wished them a Happy Anniversary!

Diana Q. won the 50-50 Raffle and received $10. The Jackpot stands at $277.

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