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Meeting Minutes - September 7th, 2016

Guest Speaker

Member, Jeanette Costa, told us about her family origins. Born in Commack, NY. She was the daughter of two people who came to this country, after World War Two as immigrants from Europe. They were considered refugees because both families had been deeply affected by the war. Jeanette’s father made his way to Italy where he spent time in a refugee camp. Her mother’s family had lived comfortably in Germany until the Nuremburg Laws went into effect. They then moved to Holland and the Germans invaded that country. It was not an easy time for anyone. Eventually, they were able to sail to Cuba and entered the U.S. under the Cuban quota. Her father and his family immigrated to Canada and then to the U.S.. These people met, married and raised a family here. The American dream. Jeanette said that immigrants have enriched this country in many different ways. No matter if your ancestors came before the Revolution, or during the 19th or 20th centuries, no matter what color their skin or religion, it’s something to proud of. To quote Jesse Jackson, “America is not a blanket woven from one thread, one color, one cloth.” Thank you, Jeanette, for your presentation.

Meeting Notes

Alice R. presided and the following matters were under discussion.

Alice, Geri and Patti will meet with the residents of the Seabury about Elderact. Mother Claire, St. Mary’s Church, will be the guest speaker.

The 9/11 Ceremony on Sunday(see below).

Patti asked who would attend the dedication on September 22 honoring Lorraine DeSisto. Please respond to her email ASAP.

The Fieldhome Fall Fair will take place on September 24. We will do “bubbles” and hand out “Best & the Wurst” flyers. If you can volunteer, please let us know.

Dave showed us the “Best & the Wurst” sign to be placed outside Town Hall. There are two more signs to be placed at, as of now, undetermined sites.

Regarding the Panera fundraiser, Rose said we need to decide on a date and advise Panera. There is very little for us to do. It would be in the evening and November 2 was suggested as the time to host. We would arrive at Panera at 4:00PM. Check their website for more info about this project.

Who to contact to find families in need for our holiday project? Alice R. will call the school system to see if they can help.

Health of Club

There have been no reports of illness among the members.

This and That

We welcomed Hermion, who came with Ann, as our guest today.

Alice D. held the winning 50-50 Raffle ticket and received $9. The Jackpot stands at $268.

Lest we forget - Sunday is 9/11 Remembrance Day. If you can, please attend the ceremony at 3:30 PM, John C. Hart Memorial Library. As always, the club will supply candles and water for participants.

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