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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Meeting Minutes - August 31st, 2016


Guest Speaker

Dave Paganelli, Town of Yorktown Highway Superintendant, told us that his job is difficult, but sometimes rewarding. Paving the town roads is an expensive proposition. His department must rely on what the state and town allots for road repair. Just to pave Underhill to the Taconic costs $160,000. and there is never enough money to do all the roads of Yorktown. Roads to be repaired are chosen for reasons of quality of life and the condition of the road. The money is spread thin over all the roads, but Dave and his crew seem to be doing a good job. There was friendly discussion throughout Dave’s presentation and we thank him for coming.

Meeting Notes

Diana Q conducted the meeting today and opened the floor to discussion.

Rose proposed that we donate money for the Italian Earthquake Relief. She told us about an email she received from RI Beyond Borders Project which is involved in this effort. She will get further information and report it to the Club.

David encouraged us to attend UN Day on Saturday, November 12. There are tickets available, please refer Dave’s email for further information. Also discussed was Panera’s “Host a Fundraiser” project which allows notfor-profit organization to hold a fundraising event at one of their restaurants. This will be discussed further.

Geri advised that “On to Bermuda” will take place from October 26 - 29. If you are interested go to the District 7230 website for information and to registration.

Please Note: Dave Paganelli is being considered for membership in the Club.

Health of Club

There have been no reports of illness among the members.

This and That

We welcomed Ann’s guest, Hermion, and Steve Ucko, from the Northeast Westchester Club. Good to see you!

Diana Q. won the 50-50 Raffle and received $7. The Jackpot stands at $259.

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