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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Meeting Minutes - August 24th, 2016


Guest Speaker

Our guest speaker today was Bob Froats of Yorktown Tire. We hope he can come to a future meeting.

Meeting Notes President Alice apologized, for the club, to those who could not go on last week’s river cruise because there was miscommunication about the boat’s handicap accessibility She said that the boat is scheduled to get a ramp soon and perhaps a fall cruise can be arranged. Alice R. and Geri read, to us, thank you notes from David Goldstein in regards to the presentation of his Uncle’s military dog tags. Lovely notes.

We received an invitation from the Friendly Squares Dance club. They are holding a square dance on September 19 at the Katonah Methodist Parish Church Hall. They have a facebook page for more information. Geri received a letter from the Rotary Club of Baton Rouge in answer to her inquiry about where to send donations for the flood victims. Many of their members have been affected by the floods and the club has no projects at this time. However, we were advised of several organizations we could contact, one being Baton Rouge Area Flood Relief. It was decided to donate $500. and send the check to that group.

David gave us an update on the plans for The Best & the Wurst; all is going well.

We were told that several members of the Lions club have volunteered to help us on the day and the Boy Scouts, too. There was a discussion of the registration format; we agreed it would be a good idea to keep a list attendees for future reference and it would be best to do this when people arrive at the registration table. A list of supplies has to be made, etc. More to come.

Health of Club

There have been no reports of illness among the members.

This and That

We welcomed Hermion who was Ann’s guest.

The 50-50 Raffle was won by Alice D. and she received $8. The Jackpot stands at $252.


August 26 is National Dog Day, celebrate with your dog and then read some wise words from the cat:

And Now We Know

Nine-hundred-and-ninety-five I’m doing this for you Nine-hundred-and-ninety-six So please don’t interrupt Nine-hundred-ninety-seven I’m just keeping them honest Nine-hundred-and-ninety-eight So please do take note Nine-hundred-ninety-nine And now thanks to me we all know There really were one thousand sheets in this toilet paper roll

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