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Meeting Minutes - August 10th, 2016


August 10th Minutes

We met at Kirby’s for lunch and then adjourned to Town Hall for the presentation of WWII military dog tags to the nephew of the fallen soldier. He, David Goldstein, and his wife, Jackie, were our lunch guests.

We also welcomed Steve Ucko from the Northeast Weschester Club and Hermion who came with Ann.

We had a short meeting before going to Town Hall.

The boat trip is August 18. Please advise Patti, if you plan to go.

David and Helen B. provided Best & Wurst flyers to distribute.

The residents at The Seabury are undecided about an Elderact club. Mother Claire will be going there soon and hopefully she will be able to help them decide. Rose won $9. in the 50-50 Raffle and the Jackpot remains intact.

At Town Hall

The American Legion presented the colors and then led us in saying The Pledge of Allegiance.

Alice R. introduced the Dignitaries: Gary Friedman, Chief of Staff for Michael Kaplowitz, County Board of Legislators; Supervisor Michael Grace;Councilmen Ed Lachterman, Tom Diana and Vishnu Patel.

Alice introduced Geri who explained the background of the events that culminated in today’s program. On December 18, 1942, a military transport plane, “Texas Terror” crashed off the coast of Australia. All 12 passengers, including one named Michael Goldspot, died. Fifteen years later, his dog tags were found and were given to the Rotary Club of Ingham, Australia. This club has a project which restores military dog tags to families. They learned that Michael’s nephew, David Goldstein,lived in our area and contacted our club, asking that we present the dog tags to David.

Upon receipt of the tags, presented by Geri and the Commander of the American Legion Post, David said he was happy to have his uncle’s dog tags. He told us that he never knew his uncle who died before he was born and has searched for years for information. He hopes that time in history will not be forgotten.

This was a wonderful and inspiring program. Thank you to all who participated.

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