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This website was created by Daniel James LLC.

Meeting Minutes - August 3rd, 2016


Meeting Notes

We gathered at the Seabury today to discuss with the residents our interest in forming an Elderact club. After a delicious lunch, we held a brief session about the agenda for the afore mentioned meeting. Alice would make the introduction, members would introduce themselves, Patti would explain the history of Rotary and Geri would tell the history of our club and what we have done for the world, national and local communities. Diana Q. would give an overview of upcoming club meetings. And County Legislator Michael Kaplowitz would be the keynote speaker.

Also discussed was the proposed sunset cruise on the River. It was decided to make plans for third week in August or the first week in September. The club voted to keep the ticket prices for the Best & the Wurst the same as last year.

There were a fair number of Seabury residents present to hear the Elderact presentation and we asked them to consider joining. We also invited them to attend our meetings, if they were interested. It was a good meeting and we hope to receive encouraging news soon.

On August 10, we will have lunch at Kirby’s and then adjourn to Town Hall for a military dog tag award ceremony. See you then!

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